Faith & Psychology Inspired Journal Prompts to Grow Your Self Love

journaling self worth Mar 16, 2023
Free & Well
Faith & Psychology Inspired Journal Prompts to Grow Your Self Love


We focus so much on our weaknesses, our flaws, how we don’t measure up.

We focus so much on that place ahead that we should be at already.

We focus on the perfect images we see online - the perfect engagement photos, the perfect maternity photos… 

We focus on what we thought our lives would look like, where we feel we should be, all the things we could’ve done better…

And we get hyperfocused here.

We get hyperfocused and zoom in on all of these things.

The insecurities.  The shortcomings. The comparison. The doubt…

And it keeps our eyes, our minds, and our hearts focused on these things.


Journaling Prompt:

When I am focused on comparison, doubt, how do I feel in the day to day?

What types of choices am I making when my head & heart space are consumed with this?


What I encourage us to move towards:

Focus on how God sees you.

Focus on your goodness.

Focus on your gifts.

Focus on your kind heart.

You are human.  You will make mistakes and that’s okay.

Embracing where you’re at, embracing yourself, flaws and all creates radical freedom for us to actually start enjoying ourselves & our lives.  

We deep dive into this in BLOOM, my 8 week confidence building group coaching program - the power of breaking free from negative thoughts & limiting beliefs so you can more intentionally choose your choices and take the action that actually supports you.


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Learn more about Devoney's coaching programs HERE!


Self Worth Exercises to Grow Your Self Love and Self Worth✨

Step 1:

Shift what you’re focusing on.

When you notice that you’re focusing on judging yourself… notice it.

“I’m noticing some self judgment here.”

“I’m noticing critical thoughts.”


Step 2:

Take another perspective.

Start imagining how God sees you.

As His sweet, precious, child.

Valued, adored, cherished, so special.


Start imagining how your loved ones see you.

As they see the best in you - your kind heart, your compassion, your loyalty.


You have the power to shift what you’re focusing on.

You have the power to choose what beliefs you want to strengthen…

Do you want to focus on and continue building beliefs that you’re always behind, that you can’t get it right, that you don’t have anything valuable to bring to the conversation?!


Do you want to start focusing on and building beliefs that you are loved. You are adored. The same way you love your sweet pup or child, you are loved exponentially more than that.  God cares about every intimate detail about you, about your life, about your challenges.  God has a specific, unique purpose for you.  You’re allowed and even expected to make mistakes.  You don’t have to be perfect. You are enough. You are loved. You are worthy, just as you are.  Thoughts & beliefs that are rooted in and help you stand in your self love and self worth.


The more you start focusing your thoughts on these truths, my friend I can only imagine the magic that will unfold.  How you might start showing up more open, bolder, more honest, more authentic, more weird… in your life.

How you might start feeling more open and appreciative and content with yourself and the season of life you’re in right now.


A few Top Quotes & Bible Verses on Self Worth to Get You Started:

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” Thich Nhat Hanh


“Your crown has been bought & paid for. Put it on your head & wear it.” Maya Angelou


“Cursed is the one who trusts in man,

    who draws strength from mere flesh

    and whose heart turns away from the Lord.

That person will be like a bush in the wastelands;

    they will not see prosperity when it comes.

They will dwell in the parched places of the desert,

    in a salt land where no one lives.

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,

    whose confidence is in him.

Jeremiah 17:7


Luke 12:28-29 - 28 NIV // But if God so clothes the grass, which is alive in the field today, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, lO you of little faith! 29 And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be worried.



🎙Why We Question Our Self Worth & 3 Truths to Start Knowing You are Enough Just as You Are

🎙Self Worth Exercises & Positive Affirmations to Start Knowing You’re Enough


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