4 Steps to Be More Consistent With Your Daily Habits & Routines

Jun 12, 2023

My 4 Step Psychology Based Process to You Being the Woman Who Is Consistent With Her Daily Healthy Habits & Who Keeps Her Promises to Herself


Photo by kike vega on Unsplash


My friend, I see you. You’re so ready to create these healthy, best self habits & it’s been freaking hard to stick with them.  You try, are super solid for a few days, then fall off for weeks or even months. 

I see you. 

I’ve been there.

This is such a natural struggle & you are not alone. 

I struggled for a reallyyyy long time with working out regularly.  

I didn’t have a super solid morning routine. 

I’d wake up, get ready in a rush, pack my lunch and then head to work.  

I’d try to start a workout regimen & by the time work was over I was so tired… ready for a burrito and pajamas…and I was supposed to work out? AH, good one.


What really started to change the game for me was honestly finding routines that I actually enjoyed (weird, right?!), simplifying what I was doing, getting creative with my schedule, and deciding that I was done letting my excuses keep me in this never ending loop of starting a routine, being gung ho, falling off, then the shame & self judgment.


My 4 Step Psychology Based Process to You Being the Woman Who Is Consistent With Her Daily Healthy Habits & Who Keeps Her Promises to Herself

1. Know what your values & priorities are in this current season.

What are your top priorities? Work? Relationships? Growth? Health? Get really clear on what your genuine priorities are in this season - not for forever, but for the next 1-3 months.  


2. What are 3 habits that would really help you live out those values & priorities?

If you were really prioritizing those values, what would you be doing on the daily? The version of you who is deeply living out these priorities & who has these important habits, what does that look like for her?


3. What is the 1 specific habit you could start to focus on this week?

Start small.  

A cycle that I've definitely lived in & see in many others is:

  Creating Unclear Goals.

 Committing to Way Too Much, Too Big, Too Fast.

Short Term Spurt.

Burnout & Fallout.

Shame/Self Judgment.

Avoidance - totally avoiding the habit for days, weeks, months.

This is so unsustainable & feels terrible too.

So let's start small. Please. Start with one habit & start super small.

Want to start working out?

Go once this week.

Want to start waking up earlier? 

Start waking up 10 mins earlier. 
Start small, I promise you won't regret it.


4. Find some type of accountability support!

Ask a friend if she'll check in with you on this!  Ask a friend if she has a goal she's working on too! Support each other.  Saying goals out loud increases our success & telling other people amplifies that even more!

This could also look like us working together in my group program (your own hype squad) too!

Speak it loud & proud, friend & get some support.



I focus on building one habit every day.  

I am learning to keep the promises I make to myself.

I am learning to keep the promises I make to myself as much as I keep those to other people.

I am learning to be devoted to the habits that help me feel my best.

I am learning to be devoted to the habits that 

I’m capable of being consistent in my practices.


I hope this felt so supportive for you.

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